"A Sweeter Friend
by Ann Marie
Whether I need to laugh and play
Or just sit and talk awhile
Whether the clouds are white or gray
I know I can count on your smile
Whether I need to scream and cry
Or if I need to just vent
Whether I need to know when, where, or why
My time with you is well spent
Whether my day has been good or bad
Or if it has just been so-so
Whether my mood is happy or sad
Running to you I can go
No matter what my state of mind
You're always there for me
A sweeter friend I could not find
A sweeter friend there could not be."
I pluck this apposite poem from a website which I just surfed a few minutes ago. Thought it could be more inclusive with it. Fundamentally, this petals of poem is specially for my dear friend who accept me of who I am whole.
Nurul Ain Binti Ahmad Falah. Born on 22nd December 1996. According to the grapevine, there are no words to describe her for I was lost immediately just as her name flitted across my mind.
Ain- that is what I call her frequently- is a no ordinary friend of mine. When you're wearing weird clothes or ugly witch's dress during Halloween day, she will look beyond that and never shakes her queen-shaped head. Yes, she will always accept of who you are, whether you're wearing peculiar clothes that you happen to like or hearing music which is so yesterday that you happen to covet. She will always see the unique side of you beyond your physical appearance. That is the most important quality that a friend should have. A"friend" who criticize your way of lifestyle will never have the dispensation to be called a "friend" at all.
Above all, she's a very supportive and encouraging friend. Whenever I achieve something like an award for academics or got first place in sports, she's the only person who will cheer bigger than anyone in the crowd. Moreover, she'll be the first person to ever congratulate you than your other group of friends. Never holding a hint of jealousy or hatred by your greatest achievements. Her heart is pure that will always and forever shine to a group of people whom she loves dear.
Whenever you're facing life problems that drag you down to the centre of the earth, Ain will be one who will pull you up to the surface. Lending her shoulder for you to cry your heart out and even her rose-shaped lips forming a string of advices that will perish the webs of quandry completely. This portion part of her self is what I truly adore and cherish for ever more.
Furthermore, she will always keeps her best friend's secrets even if it costs her life. Even promises she'll always keep unless it is absolutely necessary or even will never stab you behind your back.
Ain is who I proudly like to call my best friend. She's the most kindest and funniest friend I've ever met who always makes me laugh and plaster a sunny smile on my face. Always optimistic and happy-go-lucky girl. Even though there are times that we fought, we'll always find a way to bury the hatchet. But, if there comes a time when we have to separate to go on with our own lives and move on to different paths, I'll never forget the way she treated me dearly and the sour and sweet memories with her will I cherish and keep with my own heart.
So, let me have this chance to say: Thank you, Ain for being my best friend in the whole wide world!

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